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Insulation R-Value Requirements for Colorado

What is R-Value?

The "R" in R-value stands for "resistance"; resistance to the movement in temperature through walls, ceilings and floors in your home or commercial building. A common differentiating criteria between different types of insulation is the amount of R-value they provide (when correctly installed).  The higher the R-value, the better the insulation.

Another major performance issue with insulation and energy savings is its air sealing capability. The US Department of Energy estimates that up to 40% or more of your home's energy loss is due to air leakage. Injection foam insulation stops air leakage.

Injection Foam Insulation's Higher R-Value

With an R-Value of 4.0 to 5.1 per inch, depending on the manufacturer, pre-expanded injection foam provides a higher R-value than fiberglass or cellulose, and it seals the building from air leakage at the same time.

Does Your Home Have Enough R-Value ?

Most homes in the United States are not well insulated. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, only 20 percent of the houses built before 1980 are considered well insulated. Many homes have no insulation at all because building codes didn't even require insulation prior to the mid-1970's.  All new construction in the USA and Canada today, must meet certain minimum R-values depending on what climate area of the country you live in.

R-Value Climate Zone Chart for Wall, Attics, and Floors

Insulation R-value in Colorado CO

Insulation R-value Chart in Colorado CO